02 November 2007

Prospecting Inside The Organization

"Prospecting... It's the name of the game! And having so stated the obvious, prepare to discover yet another part of the solution. Because Prospecting Inside The Organization is just a single technique and should, therefore, only be part of your overall 'Where-am-I-going-to-find-'em?' strategy. Before we begin let's agree that, Prospecting Inside The Organization recognizes these four points as truth: 1) You have a group of distributors that are already sponsored, some by you personally, and yet most of whom were brought into the business by someone else on your team. 2) As your business continues to grow, it becomes more difficult to personally know everyone in your downline... Therefore, your goal is to develop a core leadership team of about 30 key distributors, and then to personally work with this ever-evolving group."


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